good. adjective ( gu-id )
a word to say if you really really like something you're talking about.
like: " 'Good' is really really good to use as a word if you like something a lot, and if you're talking to someone else about it and saying that it's really really good."
a word to say how you are doing, or someone in your family.
like: question-"How are you?" answer- "Good"
question #2- "How's yur momma?" answer#2- "Pretty good" (the "Pretty" part is optional)
Have a nice day and may you use this word in good health. Thank you. Oh, I mean: Have a "good" day. See? It's easy.
a word to say if you really really like something you're talking about.
like: " 'Good' is really really good to use as a word if you like something a lot, and if you're talking to someone else about it and saying that it's really really good."
a word to say how you are doing, or someone in your family.
like: question-"How are you?" answer- "Good"
question #2- "How's yur momma?" answer#2- "Pretty good" (the "Pretty" part is optional)
Have a nice day and may you use this word in good health. Thank you. Oh, I mean: Have a "good" day. See? It's easy.
Hey Tim.
Remember that time, when we went to that place and ate those things, and drank that stuff and played that game and I lost so you shaved my head and painted on me some blue hair from a donkey's rear?
Please don't bring that up on your BLOG because it would really make me embarrasing. OK?
Boy, am I glad we got that out of the way.
So, do your friends like my comments??
Have you hear anything lately? WINK, WINK, NUDGE, NUDGE, know what I mean????
Word. I mean, word to your momma. I mean, good word to your momma. Just representin'. Peace out.
Good grief! Whadya go and write a post like that for?
You are so bad...I mean good...I mean good bad, bad good, no, wait...I mean good good! Yeah, that's it...GOOD good.
I like you alot. :)
DAY. The missing word is day. Now gimme my prize.
What if he meant week? Or, knowing him, century?
What do you mean, "the pretty part is optional"? C'mere and let me explain to you again how long I was in labor with you. And David, sit up straight when you type. Paul, you're still my favorite one.
Estás bem conservado mano! Tô gostando da tua leitura. Escreva mais!
GOOD is good but it's certainly not GREAT and far from EXCELLANT. That being said, it's better than BAD and far surpasses HORRIBLE, AWEFUL, and SUCKY. I would say it's not THE BEST but sometimes it is when stacked up against the aforementioned slacker words above. That's what so great about being good - the more the rest suck the better it makes good look. Even when grouped with the superior adjectives when good is as bad as it gets, it's still good. And jeez, when good is the worst of the group, that's actually better than good, but we'll still use good so as not to offend it. Besides, you can always throw in a few more "O's" to make it better than just good, sorta like Andy Griffith did in those Ritz commercials, ya know? "GOOOOOoooOOooOOoD Cracker!"
Who you calling cracker, honky?
bobba said:
these things really make my day...
when i can scope over here and have a look it makes all things GOOD! look! capital letters.
and to think the bailey boys are in on this.
wish we could all be together for one night.
or do i?
No more than two Bailey boys are allowed to be in one state at the same time in this country. It'll only happen if we all go to Mexico. And then, you wouldn't be able to handle it. Or would you?
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