Monday, January 28, 2008

the letter

A friend moves out of town.

He and his family are far away.

Life gets hard and tiresome for them.

I send a letter.

This is that letter.

His real name has been changed to protect his privacy.

Dear Senor Todaviabueno,

I'm writing you, as you may have deduced, to notify you that I've never called you "dear" before this moment.
It's a special moment... the kind you'd share. So perhaps if you find such sharing paraphernalia as a can of International Food's powdered coffee mix in the pantry or underneath the left-rear passenger seat of the mini-van, go ahead and formulate a concoction as to set the sharing mood; sit your wife and youngster's down in front of the fire -- any fire will do -- (excuse me, but I suggest that before they commit to sharing this moment with you, that you should pre-share a disclaimer: IN NO WAY POSSIBLE WILL YOU GAIN SOME SORT OF USEFULNESS IN HEARING ANY PART OF THIS PUBLICATION.-- This will, in fact, be more of a sacrificial gift on their part to sit through it with you, as to show support to the NGNWG(North-Georgia Non-Writer's Guild) whose membership is at an all-time high this decade, and is in hurting need of support -- in the financial area mainly --so if you could find it in your hearts and wallets to send just a few cents to cover the ink and paper, much appreciation will be felt. The non-writing that you are experiencing so fortunately is generously donated by local non-writer's such as myself(Vice-President/Participant of the NGNWG). Incidentally, the Presidential position became wide open to any candidates who might be interested
(more info available online @
That position had been held by Yours Truly since the founding of the guild, but for a variety of charges, I was demoted (an emotionally exhausting experience that will probably never happen
again). But in retrospect I think it was for the best.
Anyway, the postage is covered by different local businessmen in the local area who apparently don't really understand what we're all about and/or have nothing better to do with their money than look for ways to write it off on their taxes. We're counting our blessings one by one.
That being written, I feel I should say that my hopes are that you'll thoroughly enjoy the non-writing as it is intended for your entertainment only. If we could, we would likely venture into other, equally useful areas of publication, such as educational pamphlets, fictional commentaries, etc. I really don't believe that it's for the lack of ability in non-writing. It's important to note that we've been rejected in applying for our "open" non-writing license and could only obtain a "limited" license( this should explain the rumors you may have already heard, of our intentions to strike against the Union's impotentness in representing our demands to the people they go to talk to when they represent us about stuff. In fact, we have a guy in our guild( we endearingly refer to ourselves as "guild guys" sometimes), who is looking into the matter 'cause he's almost like a lawyer--he even auditioned as a non-writer for "The People's Court" back a few years ago. They really screwed him over at the audition and gave him some poorly imagined excuse that he "can not-write pretty good, but has no signs of understanding the law." AS IF! Since when do you have to have understanding of the predicate subject when you're non-writing?

I'm of the opinion that he posed some threat to their "good ol' boy" hiring system. Anyway, he's been able to determine so far that the Union doesn't recognize our guild population as breathing and "not worth the cost of paper to reply on letterhead". That's why we're going on strike! But that's scheduled for next year...

Meanwhile we will not-write for nothing. Nothing's new.
I miss you guys, and we're rootin' for yas....Love, Tim

Monday, December 11, 2006


i've gotta tell you how disblahh i am with that latest postage. so much so that i'm almost ready to quit all together over it. yeah, i got legitimatelike complaints of precious time lacking from whence to write in... whait?... whatever, the point is that not only can i not write seriously without sounding like...say...gloria estephan singing joan jet's only hit "i love rock'n'roll", i also can't write one ittybitty blog post without having to take a day off of work, or totally neglecting my entire family for hours until i'm done publishing, editing and republishing... does anybody else get that gloria-joan jet stab?, or is it just me trying too hard to be an intellectual comic. you intellectual types reading this (in my dreams) are muttering "try being funny... at least capitalize, cheeesh!" isn't it cool that i don't do that, though? like in a rebel way? to heck with grammar! no, i'm beyond that, to heck with making sense. i actually capitalize( if only i could sell this stuff) on senselessnesses.

fact is, i'm so busy hittin the backspace key on every other word, i just don't have time to shift and stuff. it's bad enough that i gotta put a space between words and use punctuation and use words that mr. webster approves of. aprooves of. apprroovveess ooff. whatever.
my wife complains that i go on and on without breaking a paragraph into sentenses. i loose her, she says. i tried reading a post of mine once, and she's right. so here it is. the new way. short thoughts. to the point. straight up. cool. yup. read carefully.


Blogger Goofy Chic said...

the bad part is.......i understand your postings just fine. ha,ha,ha,

8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't talk about your grammar like that. cuz i'll get off my walker and show you some manners if I have to.

6:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

exactly what's wrong with this country - your and all your republishings

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's your blog, do whatever makes you happy, not anyone else.

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...except me, of course. < cough >

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just happened on this again.

you are a wonderful poissen, you know?

love you,


6:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He drove standard transmission cars the same way also: no time for shifting and stuff. He would just redline the rpms in first gear and go straight to fourth. "Saved a lot of hassle", he said.

7:31 AM  

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

so what's with the small town rat race

It's Sunday afternoon. Jen's at a baby shower that started at 4 p.m. At 3 p.m. we were scheduled to show the house to a prospective buyer who drove up at 2:48 p.m. At 1:32 p.m. we pulled into our driveway arriving from our church potluck dinner that began at about noon.
We immediately began the hasty work of tidying up our weekend mess that didn't get finished yesterday on account of the fact that we were all dead tired from long-worked days, short-slept nights and some intermediate "fun" tightly shoved into the cracks here and there. Everybody pitched in. Well, actually we "pitched" everybody IN to the work, and none of the peasant's papers were stamped as work-exempt regardless of creative efforts to avoid the innevitable. We even had extra help with Isaac Stillwell who wanted to come home with us since the 4 O'Clock shower was at his house. HAHAHAA! "Yes!" I answered to his innocent request,"but you should be advised that there will be 'some' WORK involved as we are showing the house at Three..." and before I could tell him that I would be expecting any visitors to be doing most of the hard labor, he piped up and blurted his last free words: "Oh, I'll be HAPPY to help".
He was all mine.
The deal was done.
random Isaac quote, after discussing what he'd do next to help said: "Ok, I guess I'll get busy on that then... If you need anything else, don't bother asking".
"We are ALL tired!", I preached to the longsuffered faces of poor, labor-weary children (who, by the way, think that playing too long and hard is reason enough to blow off any type of cleaning). At four minute intervals I had to nearly crack a whip to keep them going while I cleaned the kitchen, again. I think I started to clean it last night, pretty sure I did. Jennifer had to prepare a crock-pot mac'n'cheese dish this morning while getting ready for church, with only Timmy to help with Bean. I and my oldest girls were at church already so that I could practice with the worship team. Murphy's Law kicked in probably the minute I left the driveway this morning, and she ended up at church about a half hour after we started worship. Unplanned. Then she had to go back after "worship", during the sermon to retrieve the dish so it would be in the right place at the right time. NOTE FROM JENNIFER: I realized after waiting 30 minutes for the water to boil and finally getting all the ingredients into the crock-pot, that there was No Way it would be finished cooking in time for the potluck. So I proceeded to pull it all out, and put it into baking dishes, leaving it in the oven while popping my head into worship, and then running back to make sure the house was not on fire...(more on that logic another day...) I actually OVERcooked it! But it was all good. There is so much more to be said about this day...I think I will post on the other blog about the rest... Ta-Ta... END NOTE FROM JENNIFER
Why can't we seem to unplug the phones one day a week? Can't we just say NO to something?
See... I got interupted by some other potluck on Sunday evening that I couldn't even finish posting. It's now 1a.m. Thanksgiving Day, and I'm just ready for the bed. You wanna know what I'm grateful for? Read all about it, some other time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a reason crock pots are also known as SLOOOOOW COOKERS.

6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More on that logic another day? This is so illogical. What is this wet salty emanation coming out of my eyes?

6:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice going. Last time anyone made Spock cry was when the Romulans took out our warp drive system when we were trying to rush to the Planet of Loose Vixens for happy hour. Bones, we might need some Vicodin for this one...

6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:56 PM  

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

slimJ is in the house yo

oright oright yo. sit bak and pimp this chillin rhaeme gee.

evrybudy wich ya hanz in d eah
puuf pupah tchi puuf-puuf pupah tchica puuf pupah tchi puuf-puuf pupah
prrf pupah tchi kopp eeek eeek eeek eeka. Ok. If you've made it this far and you're still with me, it's important to affirm you as a creative individual who refuses to cowar at ANY challenge (you fun-loving maniac you), or, and of equal importance, report your sorry, desperate for interaction, and all around pathetic state to some sort of authority. Namely your Mother. She called. Phfff, not really... maybe she did. Mine's calling me yo, seeyah.


Blogger Timberlace Designs said...

That's how Summer's brother Jonathan used to say "what?" It's a mix tween what and wait, I guess. I love saying it. I'll walk aroung the house driving people batty. Every thing they say is met with "whait?"


9:30 PM  
Blogger Timberlace Designs said...

Whait am I gonna do with you!!!?

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You broke rhythm after the tchi kopp. Should've had one more puuf-puff before you moved to eeek eeek. Poser.

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ice, your mother and I have been talking, and she can almost agree that it's time for you to move out of the spare room. She mentioned something about getting a crib of your own? I sure hope she's kidding, mister, p-leas-e. A crib? And she told me that YOU said that my boy doesn't play Neal Peart because he CAN'T.

Maybe, but still you shouldn't say those things.

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do I keep getting dragged in to this? Leave me alone, hoseheads!

11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not the "whait" thing that drives them batty. That's all I'm sayin'.

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uhm, our lawyers want to have a word with you. Whether it's mispelled or not.

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, this is IT! I did NOT die on a cross for this kind of inaneness. I'm putting my foot down and drawing the line as to how much grace I'm willing to dispense to you guys. I'd put my foot down harder, but it sends shooting pains up my leg.

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eschew obfuscation already.

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not saying anything until watercooler guy weighs in on the subject.

5:15 AM  
Blogger James Elston said...

Tim I love your blog.

jimbo here from 100 years ago. Remember me?
hi there.
my hayands are in the ayer, and I'm wavin' um like I just don' cayer.


4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

22 lbs... 21 if on a Wednesday.

9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm chagrined, to say the least.

9:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whai dint ewe kall?

9:07 PM  

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Monday, November 13, 2006


good. adjective ( gu-id )

a word to say if you really really like something you're talking about.
like: " 'Good' is really really good to use as a word if you like something a lot, and if you're talking to someone else about it and saying that it's really really good."
a word to say how you are doing, or someone in your family.
like: question-"How are you?" answer- "Good"
question #2- "How's yur momma?" answer#2- "Pretty good" (the "Pretty" part is optional)
Have a nice day and may you use this word in good health. Thank you. Oh, I mean: Have a "good" day. See? It's easy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tim.
Remember that time, when we went to that place and ate those things, and drank that stuff and played that game and I lost so you shaved my head and painted on me some blue hair from a donkey's rear?
Please don't bring that up on your BLOG because it would really make me embarrasing. OK?
Boy, am I glad we got that out of the way.
So, do your friends like my comments??
Have you hear anything lately? WINK, WINK, NUDGE, NUDGE, know what I mean????

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word. I mean, word to your momma. I mean, good word to your momma. Just representin'. Peace out.

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good grief! Whadya go and write a post like that for?

10:29 AM  
Blogger Timberlace Designs said...

You are so bad...I mean good...I mean good bad, bad good, no, wait...I mean good good! Yeah, that's it...GOOD good.
I like you alot. :)

11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DAY. The missing word is day. Now gimme my prize.

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if he meant week? Or, knowing him, century?

4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean, "the pretty part is optional"? C'mere and let me explain to you again how long I was in labor with you. And David, sit up straight when you type. Paul, you're still my favorite one.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Florinha said...

Estás bem conservado mano! Tô gostando da tua leitura. Escreva mais!

5:21 PM  
Blogger Hank and Nichole said...

GOOD is good but it's certainly not GREAT and far from EXCELLANT. That being said, it's better than BAD and far surpasses HORRIBLE, AWEFUL, and SUCKY. I would say it's not THE BEST but sometimes it is when stacked up against the aforementioned slacker words above. That's what so great about being good - the more the rest suck the better it makes good look. Even when grouped with the superior adjectives when good is as bad as it gets, it's still good. And jeez, when good is the worst of the group, that's actually better than good, but we'll still use good so as not to offend it. Besides, you can always throw in a few more "O's" to make it better than just good, sorta like Andy Griffith did in those Ritz commercials, ya know? "GOOOOOoooOOooOOoD Cracker!"

5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who you calling cracker, honky?

8:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bobba said:

these things really make my day...
when i can scope over here and have a look it makes all things GOOD! look! capital letters.
and to think the bailey boys are in on this.
wish we could all be together for one night.
or do i?

11:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No more than two Bailey boys are allowed to be in one state at the same time in this country. It'll only happen if we all go to Mexico. And then, you wouldn't be able to handle it. Or would you?

7:15 PM  

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Monday, November 06, 2006


So I'm thinking that I should only write once a year maybe? Maybe on Holidays. Special Holidays. The ones I have off from work particularly. Yeah, I could run a commentary on the meaning of Thanksgiving, for instance. You know... I could lay out the history behind the miracle of Chrysler Rock, correlate how our relationship with the native Americans has direct, foolproof, evidentially sound and in all ways breathtaking strings attached to the brow-raising fact that The BRAVES haven't won the Winston Cup since... well, I don't even know when they won it last, if ever. I'm not a real sportsy type anyway, so for all I know, they've set the record for the most Touch-Downs in their weight-class. It could happen.
Then there's the trivia highlights about the not-so-well-known origins of such timeless catch phrases as "Let's get out of Dodge!," which by the way is what one of the first-to-go-west pioneers said after realizing that there was no more of that sweet-yam-casserole left on the table. Intense research has gone into this stuff.
I could also write a play-by-play commentary on our family supper on the Thursday of, starting with a pre-supper spread of all the kitchen work that precedes the "Great Feast of Gluttony", and then when it's all said and done, post shots of my different family members as they lounge around the living room and back porch, stomachs bulging, snoring while the NASCAR race buzzes on the big-screen TV. Then I could interview the rest of the SuperSupperDay rookies as they stand in line for the one restroom that still works, and survey the few of the crowd that remain coherent enough for an opinion-poll of which was the favored dish of the afternoon, all the while placing bets on who's going back for table scraps.
Aawww... who am I kiddin', I'll be on the couch with the rest of 'em.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Little Brother.

I am so glad to read your thots.
I am so glad someone else in the family has alzhimers. I cant eremember a thing. Your idea about tipyng whitout looking is genius. I have bin doin this 4 yeers. The closit was reely stuffy: had to put in a semicolin cuz the 4 th grade techir said 2; all those yeers agoo go.
Anyway, I know you work your but offff effery day to pay the bills and your wife stays home to teach your children so my hat is off to you both. Very few people are able to make that commitment. But for someone to call you stupid for doing that is normal. Most people cannot respect a man for working his ass off like that and still accepting him as a man. It's what they call an oxymorin.
So until I see some respect for you on this blog (and Maybe an apology) I will state to anyone who can read that my little brother Walter Timothy Bailey is the smartest, kindest, hard working, loving man I have ever known.

Your Brother David.

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way you have earned the name Slim.
I remember when you were bigger than The "Refrigerator Perry" on the Chicago Bears. Looking Good my man..
Looking Good.

9:06 AM  
Blogger Timberlace Designs said...

amen on both comments...

3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim? Tell me a stoooooryyyy...

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I make up all my research also. That being said, stay away from anything my company makes for at least 3 to 4 years.

1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give me that drummer's name, and put a rush on it.

1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite dessert: sugar lumps smothered in honey, with an outer layer of glazed sugar (brown, you want to stay healthy), and a generous sprinkling of powdered sugar on top of it all just to tone it down a bit. With coffee. Shoot, my heart is beating faster and skipping just from thinking about it! MAN, I'M WIRED!!!!!

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't pre-dinner, like, uhm, lunch? That's hot.

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're not supposed to poll coherent people. How do you think we got Clinton into office?

6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just spent about half/hour reading all the comments. who knew you had such intelligent relatives and friends???? not me.
backspace still rules, though.
i'm not tellin' about how i captured you for jennifer.
you can if you want but i wouldn't.
love you,

9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His name is Chris Rock, and although funny, I wouldn't characterize his humor as miraculous. To each his own though I guess, even though I'm bent on making my own everyone else's own too. I'm not even sure what that all means.

2:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, we're not on the couch.

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The capture involved some ice cream, assorted shiny objects that made noises, and a baseball bat.

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I placed my bets already for who goes back for seconds. I better not find out why they call it "craps".

4:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A play by play commentary? I'm there. I'll bring the marker pens and the charts to show everyone what's going on. Roast an extra turkey dipped in bacon grease and Crisco for me, will ya?

11:23 AM  

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Od. so I've only gor a minute to write and I decedes to not lood at the keys whioe I type to see if I could habelo it withour to many mistakedm, and apparently I can;t handle it . so see if I vevr type again. I don't want tom escuse me, I donpg, sorry, i donpm, hoik, no , hold on... I donllo;'gto09--- DON'G AAAADDDFJJJKKKKLLDSSDFFSEEDCCCC. OK... I don't want to type anymore, not like this. I'm not disslecksick, I promise--dependent on spell-check, yes-- but my fingers have no brains. I gotta watch everything they do, and every time they make a mistake, I'm the one making sure they do it right. I thank God for the backspace key. Sometimes, they start to get out of hand, and after fussin' at'em all day, I just let them MAKE their stupid mistakes without saying a word about it. I figure they're old enough to look after themselves, shoot, they're almost as old as me,anyway, why should I be babysittin' them all day? Fingers...


Blogger Timberlace Designs said...

You are such a goofball.
But you are my goofball!!

Love you much,

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just this minute found your accident, through looking at noelle's accident!
why didn't anyone tell me???'
is it still that i am the last to know anything?
po me.
well, you have a good thing going with your fingers and the backspace. it means gthat you automatically know when you have typed a typo and your right pinkie automatically goes to backspace.
this plays **## with trying to take a timed test but you won't need to worry about that so count your blessings.
others who have to rely on spell check don't always have it available.
i love you.
your bobba

12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'll try one more time.

instead of typing all i did before i got erased or something...just remind me to tell you about fingers and proofreading.

i love you,


since february???:??

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now you are on my desktop.
i'll never lose you again.


12:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am totally awed. i should have known you had all this in you after all the good, good stuff you have written in my cards all these years.
i love you and i'm so glad i found you for my jennifer.

11:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only one bathroom is working?

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to know how M.E. got you to ber her daughter's husband...

Older Brother

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You like the Back Space key? I myself prefer the Caps Lock key. I hit it every time I walk out of the house with a hat on, and to date it's never blown off. In close second comes the Shift key since I can hit it as I pick up speed in my typing and it makes me feel like I'm driving a car. For some unexplicable reason, the ~ key is my next favorite but I'm getting counseling for that. In fourth place comes the, oh stop it...

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to come in and see me. Right away.

1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear face: Next time you feel an itch, scratch it yourself. We don't feel like babysitting you any more.

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the "Control" key - I love punching it - you should too - press it it now - do it - press it - you're going to love it - do it - press it NOW!

2:38 PM  
Blogger Hank and Nichole said...

Whoa. I, um, have to read people's blogs pretty quickly, skimming-like, you know, cause I only have a few seconds at a time when Hank Adam is happy not being held, and I miss a lot of stuff this way, mainly the point, sometimes, but I HAVE TO read yours fast because it gives me this weird feeling in my nerves like there is going to be a test on this stuff and I am LOST. Also, I'm afraid that I'm not smart enough to understand it even if I read it very thoroughly. But the part I have a pretty good mental grasp on is that you do deserve a heck of a lot of respect, and you've got it from Hank and me, you do look nice and slim and healthy even though you apparently never get enough sleep, and I love it when you go deep cause you take us with you. I, too, HATE trivial pursuit but I love showing off when I know some trivial fact and you are always nice about acting interested.
LOVE YOU!!!!By the way, if anyone cares, I really like the flying window key. Its cute and I think it really doesn't have many friends.


3:12 PM  
Blogger Timberlace Designs said...

I personally like the function key.
Everyone who knows me, knows how terrible I am at multi-tasking and so I truly appreciate one who can. And if we want to get technical, which I can do well actually, Mr. Function Key really equips all the other little keys to be great multi-taskers.
What a great leader!
You go, Mr. Function Key, GO!!!

8:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just love that little Escape key. One second I'm in the doldrums at my computer terminal and the next I'm sippin Pina Colodas in Barbados! Yeah, the escape key does it for me! By the way, do you play the doldrums, I understand they are very hard to manage, without an escape key of course.

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My absolute favorite key is without a doubt - Delete! Of course, I've always had a thing for Letes. They're just so cute and sometimes you can almost tell just what they're thinking. That being said, they're just so dang frustrating sometimes you just want to punch 'em. That's when I hit Delete. They require discipline. We should all hit delete more often - the world could use better behaved letes!

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I threw my keyboard away. I only use the mouse.

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hank and Nichole are the only ones who passed the test. Everyone else go get a real job and try harder next time.

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh, I just figured out what you did with the title there! Finger it out... You used "finger" instead of "figure", and "it out" instead of no, wait. I'm lost. Ok, I'm pointing a finger at you, figure out which one.

4:30 PM  

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