slimJ is in the house yo
oright oright yo. sit bak and pimp this chillin rhaeme gee.
evrybudy wich ya hanz in d eah
puuf pupah tchi puuf-puuf pupah tchica puuf pupah tchi puuf-puuf pupah
prrf pupah tchi kopp eeek eeek eeek eeka. Ok. If you've made it this far and you're still with me, it's important to affirm you as a creative individual who refuses to cowar at ANY challenge (you fun-loving maniac you), or, and of equal importance, report your sorry, desperate for interaction, and all around pathetic state to some sort of authority. Namely your Mother. She called. Phfff, not really... maybe she did. Mine's calling me yo, seeyah.
evrybudy wich ya hanz in d eah
puuf pupah tchi puuf-puuf pupah tchica puuf pupah tchi puuf-puuf pupah
prrf pupah tchi kopp eeek eeek eeek eeka. Ok. If you've made it this far and you're still with me, it's important to affirm you as a creative individual who refuses to cowar at ANY challenge (you fun-loving maniac you), or, and of equal importance, report your sorry, desperate for interaction, and all around pathetic state to some sort of authority. Namely your Mother. She called. Phfff, not really... maybe she did. Mine's calling me yo, seeyah.
That's how Summer's brother Jonathan used to say "what?" It's a mix tween what and wait, I guess. I love saying it. I'll walk aroung the house driving people batty. Every thing they say is met with "whait?"
Whait am I gonna do with you!!!?
You broke rhythm after the tchi kopp. Should've had one more puuf-puff before you moved to eeek eeek. Poser.
Dear Ice, your mother and I have been talking, and she can almost agree that it's time for you to move out of the spare room. She mentioned something about getting a crib of your own? I sure hope she's kidding, mister, p-leas-e. A crib? And she told me that YOU said that my boy doesn't play Neal Peart because he CAN'T.
Maybe, but still you shouldn't say those things.
Why do I keep getting dragged in to this? Leave me alone, hoseheads!
It's not the "whait" thing that drives them batty. That's all I'm sayin'.
Uhm, our lawyers want to have a word with you. Whether it's mispelled or not.
Ok, this is IT! I did NOT die on a cross for this kind of inaneness. I'm putting my foot down and drawing the line as to how much grace I'm willing to dispense to you guys. I'd put my foot down harder, but it sends shooting pains up my leg.
Eschew obfuscation already.
I'm not saying anything until watercooler guy weighs in on the subject.
Tim I love your blog.
jimbo here from 100 years ago. Remember me?
hi there.
my hayands are in the ayer, and I'm wavin' um like I just don' cayer.
22 lbs... 21 if on a Wednesday.
I'm chagrined, to say the least.
Whai dint ewe kall?
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