Sunday, November 19, 2006

so what's with the small town rat race

It's Sunday afternoon. Jen's at a baby shower that started at 4 p.m. At 3 p.m. we were scheduled to show the house to a prospective buyer who drove up at 2:48 p.m. At 1:32 p.m. we pulled into our driveway arriving from our church potluck dinner that began at about noon.
We immediately began the hasty work of tidying up our weekend mess that didn't get finished yesterday on account of the fact that we were all dead tired from long-worked days, short-slept nights and some intermediate "fun" tightly shoved into the cracks here and there. Everybody pitched in. Well, actually we "pitched" everybody IN to the work, and none of the peasant's papers were stamped as work-exempt regardless of creative efforts to avoid the innevitable. We even had extra help with Isaac Stillwell who wanted to come home with us since the 4 O'Clock shower was at his house. HAHAHAA! "Yes!" I answered to his innocent request,"but you should be advised that there will be 'some' WORK involved as we are showing the house at Three..." and before I could tell him that I would be expecting any visitors to be doing most of the hard labor, he piped up and blurted his last free words: "Oh, I'll be HAPPY to help".
He was all mine.
The deal was done.
random Isaac quote, after discussing what he'd do next to help said: "Ok, I guess I'll get busy on that then... If you need anything else, don't bother asking".
"We are ALL tired!", I preached to the longsuffered faces of poor, labor-weary children (who, by the way, think that playing too long and hard is reason enough to blow off any type of cleaning). At four minute intervals I had to nearly crack a whip to keep them going while I cleaned the kitchen, again. I think I started to clean it last night, pretty sure I did. Jennifer had to prepare a crock-pot mac'n'cheese dish this morning while getting ready for church, with only Timmy to help with Bean. I and my oldest girls were at church already so that I could practice with the worship team. Murphy's Law kicked in probably the minute I left the driveway this morning, and she ended up at church about a half hour after we started worship. Unplanned. Then she had to go back after "worship", during the sermon to retrieve the dish so it would be in the right place at the right time. NOTE FROM JENNIFER: I realized after waiting 30 minutes for the water to boil and finally getting all the ingredients into the crock-pot, that there was No Way it would be finished cooking in time for the potluck. So I proceeded to pull it all out, and put it into baking dishes, leaving it in the oven while popping my head into worship, and then running back to make sure the house was not on fire...(more on that logic another day...) I actually OVERcooked it! But it was all good. There is so much more to be said about this day...I think I will post on the other blog about the rest... Ta-Ta... END NOTE FROM JENNIFER
Why can't we seem to unplug the phones one day a week? Can't we just say NO to something?
See... I got interupted by some other potluck on Sunday evening that I couldn't even finish posting. It's now 1a.m. Thanksgiving Day, and I'm just ready for the bed. You wanna know what I'm grateful for? Read all about it, some other time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a reason crock pots are also known as SLOOOOOW COOKERS.

6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More on that logic another day? This is so illogical. What is this wet salty emanation coming out of my eyes?

6:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice going. Last time anyone made Spock cry was when the Romulans took out our warp drive system when we were trying to rush to the Planet of Loose Vixens for happy hour. Bones, we might need some Vicodin for this one...

6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:56 PM  

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